June 12, 2015
Industry Call-to-Action: HITEC Helps 2015
Written by HFTP Publications
It seems like the entire hospitality technology industry will be traveling to Austin, Texas next week for the annual HITEC show produced by HFTP.Just a few weeks ago floods ravaged central and greater Texas and brought major destruction to many communities surrounding Austin. Many families have been completely wiped out. As I watched the news, I couldn’t help but feel that there was something we could do, together, to help.We contacted HFTP, based in Austin, and found that they were already working on ways to support their community in the wake of the flood. Together, we discussed a new concept and program for raising charitable donations, aptly named “HITEC Helps 2015."Blueprint RF, my company which will be exhibiting at the show, stepped up to make a substantial charitable donation to HITEC helps in support of this cause. We are now challenging all HITEC vendors and attendees to support this worthwhile effort. HFTP is coordinating donation efforts, contributing funds, and supporting the effort further with an Apple iWatch raffle to raise attendee donations.We are all so fortunate to be part of the hospitality technology industry. Next week we’ll enjoy comradery, knowledge sharing, commerce and the charms of the great city of Austin. This is the opportune time to consider those less fortunate. Let’s do something about it, together.We are appealing to you, our industry colleagues and friends, to give generously to HITEC Helps 2015. At the close of HITEC, HFTP will present a check to the United Way for Greater Austin, which will be earmarked for flood victims in the area. It’s our industry’s way of giving back. It’s the right thing to do....
Ron Peterson is the CEO and founder of
Blueprint RF. Peterson has helped guide organizations to introduce ground-breaking ideas which have transformed consumer's daily experiences and interaction with technology to what we know today. Peterson holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Public Administration from George Mason University....
Industry Call-to-Action: HITEC Helps 2015