Industry News
June 10, 20244 min read

Ukrainian hotels improve their knowledge of USALI with the support of EU4Business

Human Resources Finance & Accounting

The Ukrainian Hotel and Resort Association (UHRA) has completed a series of training sessions on USALI (Uniform System of Accounting for Lodging Industry) which took place in March-April 2024 with the support of the EU4Business: SME Recovery, Competitiveness, and Internationalisation program funded by the European Union and the German Government.

USALI is an internationally standardized accounting system used by thousands of hotels worldwide. It defines the main professional terminology and helps hotels measure key performance indicators (KPIs), which is essential for making informed management decisions. Based on USALI, hotel business owners, commercial and financial departments may compare their establishment's financial position and operational efficiency with similar facilities.

The American Association of Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals (HFTP) in cooperation with UHRA provided the course training materials, which were adapted by the project experts.

The training, which took place offline in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, and online, reached more than 300 professionals from the hotel industry from all over Ukraine and representatives of universities. Participants gained basic knowledge of the competent and professional use of globally standardized terminology in the hotel business and basic management accounting skills for effective hotel management.

‘The introduction of USALI in Ukraine is an important step towards the implementation of international standards in our hotel industry,’ said Iryna Sidletska, President of UHRA. ‘This accounting system will allow Ukrainian hotels and hoteliers not only to improve their efficiency, but also to become more competitive in the international market on the way to post-war recovery.’

The importance of education and cooperation with universities

UHRA focuses on the development of not only hotel business practitioners, but also on the involvement of university teachers and students in the tourism and hospitality industry. A separate quota for participation in the trainings allowed them to update their knowledge and skills, which will be useful in training a new generation of professionals who will be guided by the USALI principles from the start of their professional career.

An additional resource for Ukrainian hoteliers

The UHRA is proud to announce the final stage of work on the translation of the Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry manual into Ukrainian. The process of publishing and printing is underway, so stay tuned for our future announcements. The manual, created with the support of HFTP (Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals) and will become a valuable resource for Ukrainian hoteliers who want to implement USALI in their establishments and reach a new level of activity of their companies. Today, hoteliers are able to further their knowledge with a specially created training course, Demystifying USALI, which is available on the HFTP Academy platform.

UHRA keeps working actively on the development of the Ukrainian hotel industry and its integration into the European space.

For information:

EU4Business: SME Recovery, Competitiveness and Internationalization is co-funded by the European Union and the German Government and implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The program aims to support Ukraine's economic sustainability, recovery and growth, create better conditions for the development of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and support innovation and exports. More information:

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Ukrainian Hotel and Resort Association (UHRA) and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union, the German Government, GIZ.

#eu4business, #StandForUkraine, #gizSME #UHRA #USALI

Ukrainian Hotel & Resort Association (UHRA)

V’yacheslava Lypynsʹkoho st, 4, offisce 16,

Phone: 380443913020
[email protected]