November 4, 20245 min read

A Year in Review: HFTP 2024 Annual Business Meeting Minutes

A Year in Review: HFTP 2024 Annual Business Meeting Minutes — Photo by HFTP

HFTP Global President Stephanie Anderson, CHAE, CPA, CGMA, welcomed the HFTP members in attendance and called the Annual Business Meeting to order on October 24, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. EDT.

Anderson introduced the 2023–2024 Global Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Anderson thanked the officers and directors for their service on the Global Board and their unwavering support and dedication to HFTP.

Anderson thanked the Directors Barry Thomas, Jonathon Goodman, Fitzroy Walker, and Kelly Brennan for their four years on the HFTP Global Board of Directors. These four will retire at the end of October 2024.

Anderson also thanked Immediate Past President Neil Foster for his dedication to HFTP during his years serving on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Foster will retire from the Executive Committee at the end of October 2024.

HFTP Global Treasurer Jim Bina, CHAE+, CHTP+, announced the minutes from the 2023 Annual Business Meeting on behalf of HFTP Global Secretary Andrew Buwalda, CHAE. The 2023 Annual Business Meeting was held on October 18, 2023, in Indianapolis, Ind. Bina called for a motion to approve the minutes of the 2023 Annual Business Meeting.

The 2023 Annual Business Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.

President’s Report

Anderson highlighted HFTP’s growth by expanding its portfolio of brands and services, in addition to maintaining the quality of programs and member benefits HFTP is known for. Anderson mentioned the standouts from 2024 like the release of the USALI 12th Revised Edition, the acquisition of media companies Hospitality Upgrade and Hotel-Online, as well as the launch of Clubs Online. Anderson noted that we wanted to make sure to highlight this year’s initiatives through a 2024 Annual Report which was distributed during the meeting. To view the Annual Report online, please click here.

This skews from the Annual Business Meeting tradition by exchanging oral reports from Executive Committee members for this publication, but Anderson believes this tangible resource will serve as a wonderful overview of the state of our association.

Anderson stated that this has been a significant professional experience for her, serving as HFTP Global President and she considers it a privilege to be part of this amazing organizations and encouraged everyone to consider getting involved as it is one of the most rewarding experiences.

CEO Report

Chief Executive Officer Frank Wolfe, CAE, FIH thanked Stephanie Anderson for her time and dedication during her term as HFTP Global President. Wolfe also mention the Annual Report which was President Anderson’s goal to have this printed for the membership. Wolfe highlighted the updates and accomplishments that have occurred over Anderson’s term as president like the positive growth with allied associations. Wolfe thanked the amazing volunteers and HFTP staff members for their hard work.

Nominating Committee Report:

HFTP Global Past President Neil Foster, CHTP, MBA, started his report by encouraging the membership to apply for available positions on the HFTP Global Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee met in June at HITEC to conduct the meticulous interview process that assures the association has directors that will succeed at leading HFTP.

Foster announced the ballot with the 2024-2025 slate of directors as Art Burger, CHAE+; Chris Begley, CHTP; Jeff Dekruif, CCM, CHAE, PGA Associate; and Kevin Yarnell. Foster also elected the Executive Committee: President Justin Michael Taillon, CHTP, CHIA, MBA, Ph.D., Vice President James E. Bina, CHAE+,CHTP+, Treasurer Andrew Buwalda, CHAE, Secretary Barry Thomas, CHTP, Executive Advisor Sherry Marek, and Immediate Past President Stephanie Anderson, CHAE, CPA, CGMA. The 2024–2025 Global Board of Directors were installed at the HFTP Annual Business Meeting on October 24, 2024.

Global President Installation

In his installation speech, Taillon recalled how he joined HFTP and the support he has received from HFTP over the years. He mentioned a few of his goals for his presidency like making easily accessible and impactful events, becoming a more global association, continuing our education program, and diversifying our revenue streams. Taillon encouraged members to volunteer and get more involved with the Association.

To conclude the 2024 Business Meeting, according to the approved minutes, we do not have any unfinished business, and Taillon made a notion to adjourn the meeting.

There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Annual Business meeting at 5:16PM Eastern Time.


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